Great and timely article on every front, Juan: appropriate and informed patient treatments, journal independence, clinical data transparency, balanced and fair scientific debates.

Patients around the world and we all stand a lot to lose if BMJ succumbs to these unreasonable (and might I add unknightly) pressures.

Recently, Swedish Medical Association joined AllTrials, which is promising. Physicians around the globe need to understand these important transparency debates.

BMJ's motto is: Helping doctors make better decisions. It seems we all now need to help BMJ help doctors make better decisions.

I encourage all on this list, especially physicians, to join the debate and voice their opinions in form of rapid responses to BMJ's recent editorial. Read responses published thus far here.



On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 6:42 AM, Juan Gérvas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Adverse effects of statin as weapons against British Medical Journal.
It appears that the adverse effects of statins are being used as a smokescreen to avoid the debate over its lack of effect in primary prevention. The ultimate intention is likely to change the line of independence of the British Medical Journal, to change its editor and to promote industrial interests.
(attached, with references and in

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