Dear Sarah

I recently went to a Docomomo talk by an expert in Danish Social Housing, Poul Sverrild, Museum Director, Forstadsmuseet (cc’d) on the heritage of the welfare state who maybe could guide you.
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He discussed Danish housing history since the beginning of industrialization in Denmark with a focus on the epoch of the welfare state and Danish listing history and policy.
He presented the listing proposal for the earliest dense-low Danish housing project, Grenhusene (1953-58), by architect Svenn Eske Christensen and there was a focus on the challenges to listing policy and -practice, which are presented by materiality, aesthetics, cultural biases and democracy.

Since 2008 museum Poul has been director at Forstadsmuseet (Suburban Museum) in the municipality of Hvidovre located in Greater Copenhagen. He has worked with museum and heritage strategies and has created an outdoor museum communicating the history of the buildings, infrastructure and traces of life lived.
He is a member of a Danish national committee on post-war architecture, member of the Danish Committee on Urban History and active in DoCoMoMo.
He is currently working on a PhD-thesis dealing with transformations and centre-periphery relations over a period of 150 years in the Copenhagen suburb Hvidovre.


Stacey Hunter
Ph.D. Candidate, Architecture
The Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA)
University of Edinburgh
Forrest Hill Building
Studio B14
5, Forrest Hill

On 28 May 2014, at 13:44, sarah glynn <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi all
I am looking for advice. I am beginning some research on the use of community and public spaces in social housing, and as part of this I am about to visit Copenhagen, Lund and Helsinki. I would welcome suggestions for housing that I should look at in any of those places. 
(mobile 07803 052239)