We are pleased to announce the first Workshop on Bio-XFEL Data Analysis ( https://www.bioxfel.org/events/details/9 ) , organized as a collaborative effort between the NSF BioXFEL Science and Technology Center, and the Physical Biosciences Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Date and Location

The 2014 Workshop on Bio-XFEL Data Analysis will be held over 2 days, August 21 - 22nd, 2014, at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, California. Participants will be housed on site at the LBNL Guest House. The workshop will begin at 8:30 am. on the 21st and conclude by 5 p.m. on the 22nd.


Serial crystallography is a rapidly growing field with a correspondingly rapidly growing user base. One of the main bottlenecks in serial crystallography is the ability to rapidly filter and analyze large datasets to arrive at accurate structure factors for structure solution and refinement. This workshop is designed as an introduction to serial crystallography analysis tools, and discussion of how to recognize and address data processing challenges and assess the data quality compared to 'normal' synchrotron crystallography.

2 day program outline

Day 1 will consist of lecture sessions covering an introduction to serial (femtosecond) crystallography (SFX), software suites available for SFX data analysis and key issues in data processing and assessment of SFX data quality.

Day 2 will involve hands-on computer tutorials and live demonstrations covering the software presented on day 1. These computer lab sessions are limited to 30 participants. The tutorials will be run by the software developers with a team of expert users. LCLS will be providing computing facilities.


The workshop is aimed primarily at students and postdocs who are relatively new to the field of SFX. however, students and postdocs with serial crystallography data already collected or upcoming beamtime allocated at a free electron laser will be given preference. With the software developers on hand, experienced users will also be able to learn more about the range of SFX data analysis tools and their recent developments.

Speakers & Instructors

Paul Adams, LBNL
Anton Barty, DESY
Wolfgang Brehm, Uni Konstanz
Aaron Brewster, LBNL
Johan Hattne, HHMI
James Holton, LBNL
Karol Nass, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
Nick Sauter, LBNL
Thomas White, CFEL
Nadia Zatsepin, ASU
Oliver Zeldin, Stanford
… along with experienced students, postdocs and junior scientists to help with the computer tutorials.

Computer session requirements

Bring your own laptop.

Please bring your own serial crystallography data, if you wish. Practice data for those without data (real SFX data from LCLS) will be provided.

Travel stipends

A number of stipends will be available to students to help cover accommodation and travel costs. The amount of award will be dependent upon your proximity to LBNL and the timing of your registration. Dinner will be provided on the first day for those interested- please tick "YES" to dinner during registration.

All participants need to register online. Please specify if you are also applying for a travel award. Those receiving funds will be notified by June 30, 2014.


All attendees MUST register via this web registration. Please include in COMMENTS if you would like to apply for a travel stipend. An application will be e-mailed to you.


This workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation BioXFEL Science and Technology Center and LBNL.