

Hello Stefanie,

There are few sites in the Netherlands where charred tubers of Ranunculus
ficaria were found: two Late Mesolithic river dune sites
Hardinxveld-Giessendam - Polderweg and Hardinxveld-Giessendam De Bruin
(see references below, both in Dutch though) and the Neolithic  Hekelingen
(aslo see reference):

Bakels, C.C., 1988. Hekelingen, a Neolithic site in the swamps of the Maas
estuary. In Küster, H.  (Ed.) Der prähistorische Mensch und seine Umwelt
(Festschrift für Udelgard Körber-Grohne zum 65. Geburtstag, Stuttgart
(Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg
31), pp. 155-161.

Bakels, C.C en L.M. van Beurden, 2001: Archeobotanie, in: L.P. Louwe
Kooijmans (red.), Hardinxveld-Giessendam - Polderweg. Een mesolithisch
jachtkamp in het rivierengebied (5500-5000 v. Chr.), Amersfoort
(Rapportage Archeologische Monumentenzorg 83), 325-378.

Bakels, C.C., L.M. van Beurden en T.J.J. Vernimmen, 2001: Archeobotanie,
in: L.P. Louwe Kooijmans (red.), Hardinxveld-Giessendam De Bruin. Een
kampplaats uit het Laat-Mesolithicum en het begin van de
Swifterbant-cultuur (5500-4450 v.Chr.), Amersfoort (Rapportage
Archeologische Monumentenzorg 88), 369-433.

Recently I also found charred parenchyma remains of Ranunculus ficaria
tubers at the Middle Mesolithic river dune site at Rotterdam-Yangtzehaven.
The publication is in preparation:

Kubiak-Martens, L., L.I. Kooistra & F. Verbruggen, 2014: Archaeobotany:
landscape reconstruction and plant food subsistence economy on a meso and
microscale, in: J.M. Moree & M.M. Sier (eds), The Rotterdam Maasvlakte-2
Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Program, part 1: Twenty metres
deep! The Mesolithic period at the site Yangtze Harbour in the Rotterdam
Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Early Holocene landscape development and
habitation, Rotterdam, BOORrapporten 566, 131-202.

Indeed, Staosnaig remains of Ranunculus ficaria  tubers along with
possible uses of the tubers as food and methods of preparation for human
consumption (based on ethnogarphic records)  are well discussed by Sarah
Mason and Jon Hather in:

Mason, S. en J.G. Hather, 2000: Parenchymatous plant remains from
Staosnaig., in: S. Mithen (red), Hunter-gatherer landscape archaeology.
The Southern Hebrides Mesolithic Project 1988-1998, Cambridge(McDonald
Institute Monographs), 415-425.

Best wishes

Met vriendelijke groet,

Dr. Lucy Kubiak-Martens
Biax Consult
Hogendijk 134
1506 AL Zaandam
T +31 (0)75 616 10 10
F +31 (0)75 614 99 80

> Dear colleagues,
> we would like to know if anybody has found (charred) tubers of lesser
> celandine - /Ranunculus ficaria/ / /Ficaria verna /in archaeological
> samples.
> We have found a lot of tubers of /Ranunculus ficaria/ in an Early
> Neolithic settlement layer beneath a megalithic grave from Denmark (more
> than 100). Since we were aware of this kind of material we recognized it
> in low amounts also in samples of other Neolithic sites of northern
> Germany and Denmark. All our /Ranunculus/ tubers finds are charred
> material. I add some photos of the charred tubers finds.
> We now wonder, if it is a special remain in Neolithic samples and if it
> was used for consumption.
> We know the literature given by the webpage
> But we would be very happy if anybody could give us more hints on
> publications concerning archaeological finds of /Ranunculus ficaria/
> tubers or even unpublished finds and about possible uses of this plant
> part.
> Thanks you for your efforts!
> Kind regards,
> Stefanie Klooß, Elske Fischer and Wiebke Kirleis
> --
> Dr. Stefanie Klooß
> Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
> Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> Tel.: 0049-(0)431 / 880 3374
> DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1400 "Frühe Monumentalität und Soziale
> Differenzierung"
> --
> Elske Fischer
> Labor für Archäobotanik
> Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im RP Stuttgart
> Fischersteig 9
> 78343 Gaienhofen-Hemmenhofen
> --
> Prof. Dr. Wiebke Kirleis
> Professor for Environmental Archaeology
> Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
> Graduate School Human Development in Landscapes/
> Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology
> letters: Olshausenstrasse 40 | D-24098 Kiel | Germany
> parcels: Olshausenstrasse 40 | D-24118 Kiel | Germany
> office:Johanna-Mestorf-Strasse 2-6 | D-24118 Kiel | Germany
> Phone: 0049 (0)431/880-3173
> Fax: 0049 (0)431/880-7300