


I send out a number of  journal alerts to a number of different lists so I'm not sure which you refer to. With all of them (I think) the process is the same. Abstracts are free to view but full text incurs a charge unless you are a subscriber. 

Of the alerts I circulate, only two (international Journal of Therapeutic Communities and Mental Health and Substance Use) are journal with which I have any editorial interest. I don't accept that this is advertising. I'm merely alerting list-members to current research. I do quite often get feedback (off-list) from various list-members that they find this useful. 

Of course, free journal articles would be nice but currently, that's just not the way the world works, I'm afraid!

Rowdy Yates
Senior Research Fellow
Scottish Addiction Studies
University of Stirling - Wrestling With Demons: Four Songs of Addiction & Recovery

On 10 May 2014, at 02:55 AM, "John FF" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi Rowdy,

The stuff looks interesting but if we are required to pay, then it is just advertising, and not really appropriate for the list.

Pura Vida,

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