

Dear Yuko

You may try using fslswapdim (from fsl) which is a very handy function. Here's how to do it from Matlab command line window,  inside an .m file, or if you prefer to use the terminal:

system([' fsl4.1-fslswapdim_exe ' input_file ' y  z -x ' output_file]); 

You may choose the orientation by varying (y z -x) to the intended orientation... 


On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 7:20 PM, Yuko <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear SPM experts,
>I've got anatomical images (T1). 
>Those image orientation flipped, so anterior brain region located in posterior.
>I wonder if you could have any ideas to fix this wrong image orientation.
>Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
>Thank you so much.