

Dear All,

Apologies to those of you who will have already heard about this through the HEA Bulletin, but I wanted to alert you to the upcoming workshop on Group-Work Assessment at Southampton Solent University on April 10th and ask you to forward this to any colleagues that you feel might benefit.  This event attempts to identify the ways in which group-work can empower students, through the lenses of Internationalisation, Widening participation and Employability.  This forms part of a series of workshops that address STEM subjects, but the activities and issues raised are likely to be of interest to anyone who is interested in extending their use of group work in either formative or summative contexts.  Further information can be found HERE, where you can also book your place.  However, if you intend to come it would be helpful if you could inform me directly, notifying me of any dietry requirements so that I can ensure sufficient catering.

All the best,


Dr David Barber
 Curriculum Learning and Teaching Developer
 Maritime and Technology Faculty
 Southampton Solent University
 t.02380319706  (3706)