

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Clive Conway <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Wednesday, 30 April 2014, 17:37
Subject: FW: Just So with Robert Powell

Dear John,

a couple more dates if you can share them with your society.

thanks so much,





The Extraordinary Life and Times of Rudyard Kipling with Robert Powell

Popular stage and screen actor Robert Powell  explores the many different worlds of Rudyard Kipling. From idyllic memories of India to the horrors of the First World War when he became one of the prime chroniclers of that time.
Available at theatres and festivals, Powell reads Kipling’s moving, often painfully eloquent stories and poems with music from Christine Croshaw on piano and Clive Conway on flute.
The evening, which is perfect for theatres, arts centres and festivals, reveals Kipling as the great spokesman for his age, a time dominated by a sense of imperial destiny, which was soon to be destroyed forever.
A rare chance to revisit this extraordinary storyteller and poet   one of the most intriguing and controversial of all our great writers.



Choose your venue to purchase the required
Aug 3, 2014, 20:30 hrs
Just So - The Extraordinary Life and Times of Rudyard Kipling with Robert Powell
The Fisher Theatre
10 Broad Street
NR35 1EE
Oct 26, 2014, 19:30 hrs
Just So - The Extraordinary Life and Times of Rudyard Kipling with Robert Powell
The Regent Centre
51 Hight Street
BH23 1AS
Clive Conway ARAM , Vice Patron Tutu Foundation UK Clive Conway Productions
32 Grove St.Oxford. 0X2 7JT
01865 514830
Find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
From: JOHN RADCLIFFE [mailto: [log in to unmask] ]
Sent: 14 February 2014 09:56
To: Clive Conway
Cc: JohnLambert; JanMontefiiore; JOHNWALKER
Subject: Just So with Robert Powell
Dear Clive
I edit the Kipling Society web-site and John Lambert has passed me your note about the show.  We will be glad to put up a notice about it on our site at  and to publicise it to the Mailbase on line discussion group on Kipling.  I am not sure how many members we have over your way though.
It would be helpful to have a little more in the way of description about the show. I assume that Robert Powell is playing Kipling, but what form does your gallop through his life and times take ?
And have you any other pictures we could use ?
All best wishes, John Radcliffe
On Line Editor, The Kipling Society

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