


To the best of my knowledge there is no proscriptive you must store in 
Fireproof cabinets. I would look at it under Principle 7 i.e. is it 
appropriate to store the information in fireproof cabinets bearing in mind 

the retention for such records as well.


David Bridge 

Records Manager | Rheolwr Cofnodion 
Records Management | Rheolaeth Cofnodion 
Lifelong Learning | Dysgu Gydol Oes 
Flintshire County Council | Cyngor Sir y Fflint 

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From:   Dawn Waller <[log in to unmask]>
To:     [log in to unmask], 
Date:   16/04/2014 08:56
Subject:        Fire proof cabinets
Sent by:        The Information and Records Management Society mailing 
list <[log in to unmask]>

Currently we are storing our adoption records (and nothing else) in fire 
proof cabinets and we need to move these records from their current 
location soon.

I have questioned why they have to have fire proof cabinets - "we always 
have" was the answer.  Those in my team who have been here longer than me 
do not know either.

Having investigated this I cannot find any written instruction (in law or 
guidance) to keep adoption records specifically in a fire proof safe.  The 

nearest evidence I can find is "case records set up by the agency together 

with the indexes to them shall be kept in a place of special security" in 
the The Adoption Agencies Regulations 1983.

So the question is where is it stated that adoption records HAVE to be 
stored in fire proof cabinets.  If not then how is a "place of special 
security" defined.


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