

Bear in mind that no "fire proof cabinet" is actually fire-proof.  Records protection equipment is classified in terms of an interior temperature limit and a time in hours – specified interior temp and humidity limits are not exceeded when equipment is exposed to a standard fire test for the length of time specified. The time is rated as 2 hr, 3 hr, or 4 hr.  The most "fire-proof" rating I know of is Class 125/ 4 hour rated, which means the tested material was protected for four hours in 125 degree F internal temperature.  There are cabinets that are rated for 350 degrees F that can be used for paper.  The lower degree ratings are for other media such as magnetic tape, CDs, microfilm, etc.

Ginny Jones 
(Virginia A. Jones, CRM, FAI) 
Records Manager 
Information Technology Division 
Newport News Dept. of Public Utilities 
Newport News, VA 
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