

Those interested in the psychosocietal approach to neo-liberal regimes and
the biographies of individuals might find this short piece very worthwhile.
I’m reminded of what Eisenhower said in his farewell speech…. 



Re:  The Biographic Narrative Interpretive Method: interviewing for lived

For a completely free BNIM Quick Outline Sketch with Bibliography;  or even
for a less-free but low-cost  £10 BNIM Package  -- consisting of the BNIM
Short Guide bound with Full BNIM Detailed Manuals plus, for after you start,
free email tuition on practice interview transcripts etc. -- please email me
at  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] 


Re: Planet’s biographical  news.

We all know that ecocide happens – for example, we know along the Amazon in
South America an area of forest the size of France is lost every day. (see
And planetary climate degradation to 4C and above is heralded:


And thanks to Oxfam, we know a bit about the power relations: 85 people
world-wide have extracted enough wealth equal to that of 3.5 billion people,
half the world’s population. Here in Britain, 5 families own wealth equal to
that owned by the poorest 20% of the British population. 1 family owns more
than the bottom 10%. 


For news about our changing development project in a Ugandan village,
including agricultural training, microcredit loans for women to set up small
businesses and psycho-social and material support for the poorest children,
see  <>