

Hi all,

>> Now that we have CREAM-CEs querying an Argus server and even if gLexec
>> on worker nodes is tested but not yet used in production, I am worried
>> the the Argus server is becoming a SPOF (Single Point of Failure).
>> Is it feasable to install more than one Argus server and make it so that
>> CREAM and gLexec would be unaffected by the loss of one Argus server ?
> In the CREAM configuration file (/etc/glite-ce-cream/cream-config.xml)
> you can specify more than one PEP daemon endpoint.
> As far as I know the list of urls is used by the PEP client for finding
> the first available PEP daemon.
> So I think you can at least configure a set of PEP daemons in HA; I
> presume it is possible to distribute even the PDP service, but for what
> concerns the PAP honestly I don't know.

You have to ensure the different instances will return the same mappings,
so there will be at least _one_ SPOF, viz. the gridmapdir...

At CERN we have multiple Argus hosts behind a load-balanced alias,
all mounting the single gridmapdir from an NFS server.