italian-studies: Scholarly discussions in any field of Italian studies




News from Annali d’italianistica (


April 11, 2014


Here is the most recent list of books received.

Interested scholars may contact the Editor at

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Scholars will be selected on the basis of their expertise and research interests. Scholars who have never reviewed for AdI, or are new in the profession, are encouraged to introduce themselves briefly when they request books to review.


All reviews are read by the Editor and Associate Editor. All reviewers will receive proofs with feedback.


Information on the journal’s editorial norms can be found on the journal’s website:



PUBLICATION DEADLINE: Colleagues who have accepted to review books should submit their reviews as soon as possible and before the next deadline (June 30, 2014) for their review to appear in the 2014 issue.



In all your correspondence with the Editor, please provide your e-mail address, complete name, academic affiliation, and


the complete address where you wish to receive the book to be reviewed.


If you contact the Editor and receive no answer, after three weeks please contact the Editor again at: [log in to unmask]



As of the 2009 issue, Annali  lists in the annual volume all the reviews, including titles of books and names of reviewers, and will paginate all the reviews as they would appear in print, with consecutive page numbers. The reviews, however, will appear only online, where the entire section of reviews (Bookshelf) is already available as of 1998.



            Books Received

April 11, 2014


Adami, Stefano. Ezra Pound a Siena tra Accademia Chigiana e Monte dei Paschi. Siena: Nuova Immagine, 2013. Pp. 88. E-BOOK


Bels dous amicx, baizem nos yeu e vos. Voci provenzali d’amore. Pref., Italian trans., notes Anna Maranini. Borgomanero: Giuliano Ladolfi Editore, 2013. Pp. 149.


Bertellini, Giorgio, ed. Italian Silent Cinema. A Reader. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013. Pp. 401.


Blakesley, Jacob S. D. Modern Italian Poets. Translators of the Impossible. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Pp. 375.


Bruno, Giordano. On the Heroic Frenzies. A Translation of De gli eroici furori by Ingrid D. Rowland. Text ed. Eugenio Canone. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2013. Pp. 395.


Camilletti, Fabio A. Leopardi’s Nymphs: Grace, Melancholy, and the Uncanny. Leeds: Legenda, 2013. Pp. 185.


Canone inverso. Anthology of Contemporary Italian Poetry. Ed. Pietro Montorfani. Stony Brook: Gradiva, 2014. Pp. 395.


Cantini, Maristella, ed. Italian Women Filmmakers and the Gendered Screen. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. 284.


Cappelli, Ottorino, ed. Italian Signs, American Politics: Current Affairs, Historical Perspectives, Empirical Analyses. Studies in Italian Americana 5. New York: John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2013. Pp. 228.


Carolan, Mary Ann McDonald. The Transatlantic Gaze. Italian Cinema, American Film. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014. Pp. 172.


Cavallo, Jo Ann. The World Beyond Europe in the Romance Epics of Boiardo and Ariosto. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. Pp. 377.


Covello, Leonard, with Guido D’Agostino. The Heart is the Teacher. Studies in Italian Americana 8. New York: John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2013. Pp. 220.


Cruz, Anne J., and Maria Galli Stampino, eds. Early Modern Habsburg Women. Transnational Contexts, Cultural Conflicts, Dynastic Continuities. Farnham (UK): Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013. Pp. 294.


Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Vol. 3. Paradiso. Ed. and trans. Robert M. Durling. Introd. Robert M. Durling. Notes Ronald L. Martinez and Robert M. Durling. New York: Oxford UP, 2013. Pp. 888.


Ebner, Christiane. Amore per la letteratura, passione per il cinema. Eine medienkomparatistische Studie zu Sandro Veronesis Romanwerk. Berlin: LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf, 2013. Pp. 315.

Fenzi, Enrico, ed. Amor che nella mente mi ragione. Gruppo Tenzone. La Biblioteca de tenzone. Madrid: Departamento de Filología Italiana (UCM), 2013. Pp. 166.


Gatt-Rutter, John. The Bilingual Cockatoo: Writing Italian Australian Lives. Melbourne: Hybrid Publishers, 2014. Pp. 237.


Gladstone, Douglas J. Carving a Niche for Himself. The Untold Story of Luigi Del Bianco and Mount Rushmore. New York: Bordighera, 2014. Pp. 110.


Hairston, Julia, ed. and trans. The Poems and Letters of Tullia d’Aragona and Others. A Bilingual Edition. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series 28. Toronto: Iter Inc. and The Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2014. Pp. 352.


Hall, Crystal. Galileo’s Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. 249.


Journal of Italian Translation 7.2 (Fall 2012). Pp. 291.


Journal of Italian Translation 8.1 (Spring 2013). Pp. 374.


Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 44.1 (Winter 2014). Pp. 239. [TOPIC: Devotion and Intellectual Labor]


Kilgour, Maggie, and Elena Lombardi, eds. Dantean Dialogues. Engaging with the Legacy of Amilcare Iannucci. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. Pp. 264.


Kroha, Lucienne. The Drama of the Assimilated Jew. Giorgio Bassani’s Romanzo di Ferrara. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Pp. 313.


La Penna, Daniela. “La promessa d’un semplice linguaggio.” Lingua e stile nella poesia di Amelia Rosselli. Roma: Carocci editore, 2013. Pp. 207.


La Penna, Daniela, ed. Meneghello. Fiction, Scholarship, Passione civile. Special Supplement to The Italianist 32. Reading (UK): University of Reading, 2012. Pp. 247.


Luciano, Bernadette, and Susanna Scarparo. Reframing Italy. New Trends in Italian Women’s Filmmaking. West Lafayette (IN): Purdue University Press, 2013. Pp. 245.


Martinelli, Marco. Rumore di acque / Noise in the Waters. Ed. and trans. Thomas Simpson. New York: Bordighera, 2014. Pp. 149.


Mirabile, Andrea. Multimedia Archaeologies: Gabriele D’Annunzio, Belle Époque Paris, and the Total Artwork. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B. V., 2014.


Misure critiche. Rivista semestrale di letteratura e cultura varia n.s. 11.1-2 (2012). Pp. 322.


Misure critiche. Rivista semestrale di letteratura e cultura varia n.s. 12.1 (2013). Pp. 229.


Nasti, Paola, and Claudia Rossignoli, eds. Interpreting Dante. Essays on the Traditions of Dante Commentary. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013. Pp. 470.


O’Connell, Daragh, and Jennifer Petrie, eds. Nature and Art in Dante. Dublin: Four Courts Press Ltd., 2013. Pp. 248.


O’Leary, Alan. Fenomenologia del Cinepanettone. Catanzaro: Rubbettino, 2013. Pp. 152. E-BOOK.


Pacchioni, Federico. Inspiring Fellini. Literary Collaborations Behind the Scenes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Pp. 237.


Parini, Giuseppe. Odi. Ed. Mirella D’Ettorre. Introd. Giorgio Baroni. Pisa: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2013. Pp. 275.


Parini, Giuseppe. Il mattino (1763). Il mezzogiorno (1765).  Ed. Giovanni Biancardi. Introd. Edoardo Esposito. Commento Stefano Ballerio. Pisa: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2013. Pp. 310.


Pedretti, Per Nino. Vòusi. Atti del Convegno, Urbino, 30 novembre 2013. Ed. G. De Santi, T. Mattiolo, M. Ricci. Rimini: Raffaelli Editore, 2013. Pp. 149.


Pedriali, Federica G., ed. Gadda Goes to War. An Original Drama by Fabrizio Gifuni. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. Pp. 167.


Per Franco Scataglini. Indagini di Poesia. Atti del convegno Urbino, 9 maggio 2012. Ed. Tiziana Mattioli. Rimini: Raffaelli Editore, 2013. Pp. 171.


Pezzotti, Barbara. Politics and Society in Italian Crime Fiction. An Historical Overview. Jefferson (NC): McFarland and Company Inc., 2014. Pp. 234.


Puleo, Carlo. The Children of Aeolus. Characters Typifying their Sicilian Origin.  Trans. Arthur V. Dieli. Mineola, NY: Legas, 2013. Pp. 170.


Scarci, Manuela, ed. Creating Women. Representation, Self-Representation, and Agency in the Renaissance. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2013. Pp. 205.


Seno, Cosetta. Anna Maria Ortese. Un avventuroso realismo. Ravenna: Longo, 2013. Pp. 168.



Veronese, Cosetta, and Pamela Williams. The Atheism of Giacomo Leopardi. Leicester: Troubador, 2013. Pp. 233.


Yocum, Demetrio S. Petrarch’s Humanist Writing and Carthusian Monasticism. The Secret Language of the Self. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013. Pp. 307.



Dino S. Cervigni

Professor of Italian, Emeritus

Editor, Annali d’Italianistica

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3170

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