

Dear Mark,

thank you for your answer.

I suspected that, in the light of how first works, a third step wouldn't have been a great impact on the final result.

Anyway, I have a pretty pervasive problem with caudate segmentation. In particular the head of the caudate always look smaller that it should be, being the part lying on the ventricle not included in said segmentation. I know that has been shown that caudate is, together with accumbens, the region where first achieve the less robust performance. Is there some trick that I can try out to perform specifically the segmentation of the caudate ?

Thanks again,


Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 06:41:54 +0000
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [FSL] first_flirt three step registration
To: [log in to unmask]

Dear Alain,

In general the use of masks makes the registration less robust and more likely to go catastrophically wrong, as it has in this case.  When the mask is very tight this is more likely, as it removes the useful border area from the calculation, and if it is only within one region without any border at all then the registration has no information from the edges at the boundaries, which is crucial for the registrations to work.  So we normally dilate our masks so that the border information is included.

This being said, I'm not sure if you will gain much from using even a dilated mask, unless you are clearly seeing systematic misregistrations in your data.  It isn't something where a little bit more accuracy in the registration is likely to make much difference, as the boundary mesh is deformed from the initial starting position and small differences in the initial starting position normally have no discernible impact.

All the best,

On 16 Apr 2014, at 15:19, Alain Imaging <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear FSL list,

I'm trying to play around a little bit with FIRST in order to get the best in term on striatum (putamen + caudate, no accumbens) segmentation. One of the things that I thought to try is to include a third registration step in first_flirt using a mask of the striatum.
So I created a mask of the striatum tresholding the Harvard Oxford subcortical atlas (1mm) and I entered this image in first_flirt with the following call

first_flirt ${dirroot}${subject}_T1 ${dirroot}${subject}_firstflirt_p4 -strucweight ${Striatum} 

What I obtain can be seen attached: the registrations look totally wrong, in different ways (mainly over-zoomed or strangely rotated).
Have any one an idea of what I'm doing wrong ? Do you think the cost-benefit ratio of applying  the third registration is interesting ?

Thanks in advance and best


Bad registration 1

Bad registration 2

Striatum mask