

Dear FSL experts,
I desperately need your help! I am trying to preform group ICA on resting
state data using Melodic and have been running into a serious difficulty.
While melodic seems to work fine for single subject analysis or even group
ICA on only a limited number of participants it is unable to run my entire
data set (n=73).
At the very start of the analysis the progress report appears to freeze at:
/bin/cp /tmp/feat_5cCO9X.fsf design.fsf
mkdir .files;cp /Applications/fsl/doc/fsl.css .files;ln -s
/Applications/fsl/doc/images .files/images
Melodic progress report for the first subject generates this error message:
/Applications/fsl/bin/fslmaths C/subj_011/SE9/rest prefiltered_func_data
-odt float
Cannot open volume C/subj_011/SE9/rest for reading!
Cannot open volume C/subj_011/SE9/rest for reading!
    while executing
"if { [ catch {
for { set argindex 1 } { $argindex < $argc } { incr argindex 1 } {
    switch -- [ lindex $argv $argindex ] {
     -I {
         incr argin..."
    (file "/Applications/fsl/bin/feat" line 119)
I have no idea what it means by ³cannot open volume for reading² because, as
mentioned previously, the dataset (including subj_011) works fine for many
other types of analysis. If anyone else has had a similar problem or may
suspect what the matter is please let me know.
Thanks in advance and a happy Easter,


John Broulidakis 

Developmental Brain-Behaviour Laboratory

University of Southampton