Information about the InterTASC ISSG Workshop – 9th July 2014

The workshop is a discussion on the use of information in Health Technology Assessments. From finding and working with unpublished trial data, discussion on the use of case-study reports V published trial data, finding and making use of adverse effects information and using the deep-web to populate cost-effectiveness models; if you work with, or are interested in, health technology assessments (HTA), this workshop is for you.


The full programme and further information on the workshop can be accessed here


We are very excited to confirm our keynote speaker, Dr Tom Jefferson, who is a co-author of the Cochrane Neuraminidase Inhibitors Review. This has been heavily featured in the press last weeks.


The InterTASC ISSG Workshop Award

InterTASC ISSG is keen to encourage attendance at the workshop from current students or graduates from UK-based Library and Information Schools. We have, accordingly, put together a workshop award open to current students or recent graduates of a Library or Information based degree. The award is worth approximately £1000 and covers: attendance at the InterTASC ISSG workshop, standard train fare to and from Exeter, hotel lodging and subsistence. It will also include three days’ work experience at PenTAG.


About PenTAG

PenTAG is one of eleven academic and commercial research groups in the UK which are contracted to produce high quality systematic reviews and economic analyses of health technologies for NICE and the NIHR HTA programme. For further information on PenTAG, please see: 


Eligibility for the Award

·         There is one award on offer.

·         You must be a registered and current student at a Library and Information School recognised by CILIP (the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) OR a graduate of a CILIP recognised Library and Information School with an interest in the field of information to support Health Technology Assessment. For guidance on CILIP accredited Library and Information Schools, please see:


When to Apply

Applications are now invited with a deadline of 5pm on Wednesday, April 30th 2014.

The winner will be notified no later than Friday, May 2nd 2014.


How to Apply

The application should be made in two parts and sent to Jenny Lowe ([log in to unmask] ) no later than 5pm on Wednesday, April 30th 2014.


Part One

In no more than 500 words, please address the following question: ‘What is the role of the information professional in the Google age?’


Part Two

Please provide a current CV and a one-page covering letter detailing your interest in this award. It would be helpful to include details of your experience of, or in interest in, Health Technology Assessment.



Please contact Chris Cooper ([log in to unmask] ) or Jenny Lowe ([log in to unmask]).