Addressing poverty, minimum income provision, and active inclusion in Europe. University of Edinburgh, 17.04.14


Organised by the COPE research project at the University of Edinburgh and the Poverty Alliance, in association with the European Anti-Poverty Network, this event will present research findings from a range of Scottish based and European research projects focusing on anti-poverty and minimum income provision in Europe. Presenters at the event will discuss their recent or on-going research into the different approaches adopted for the delivery of social security, welfare support, benefits and employment programmes in countries across Europe.


It is open to both academic and non-academic audiences and will be of interest to policy makers and politicians. There will be opportunities to discuss and network with researchers, activists, and anti-poverty organisations.


Speakers include: Dr Daniel Clegg, COPE project, University of Edinburgh,  Professor Gill Scott, Glasgow Caledonian University,  Vanesa Fuertes, LOCALISE project Edinburgh Napier University, Peter Kelly, the Poverty Alliance, Tom MacInnes, New Policy Institute, Fintan Farrell, European Anti-Poverty Network. The event will be chaired by Professor Adrian Sinfield, University of Edinburgh.  


Location: Seminar room 1, Chrystal Macmillan Building, University of Edinburgh

Date: Thursday 17th April 2014

Time: 9.30am – 4pm

Cost: Free

Limited places. Further details and registration click here