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Funded PhD studentship in Caribbean Studies at the University of Warwick                                                                 

Applications are invited for a three-and-half-year (42 months) funded PhD studentship at the University of Warwick starting in autumn 2014. The successful candidate will be based at the university’s Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies (YPCCS) and the research can be into any aspect of the history, literature, culture or societies of the Caribbean.


The Centre for Caribbean Studies was established in October 1984. Its principal aim is to stimulate teaching and research on the Caribbean. It also encourages the study of the Caribbean in an Atlantic context, emphasising African, North and South American, Asian and European influences from a comparative, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective. Additionally, it serves as a national forum for individuals and organisations with an interest in and concern for the diaspora as well as those countries bordering the Caribbean.


The studentship is tenable for up to three-and-a-half years (full-time), subject to academic progression. It covers tuition fees for Home/European Union students and a stipend (worth £13,863 for 2014-15). The studentship is funded jointly through the generous endowment provided by Yesu Persaud and the Warwick Collaborative Postgraduate Research Scholarships (WCPRS) scheme. Non-Home/European Union students would have to cover the higher tuition fees themselves (which amount to just over £10,000 extra per year).


The successful candidate will have additional opportunties for training through CADRE, the new Doctoral Training Centre in Warwick's Faculty of Arts.


Applicants should be holders of a good first degree (at least 2:1 or equivalent). A relevant Masters degree, completed or close to completion, is also expected in a field relevant to the proposed area of doctoral research.


Before submitting an application, candidates should identify and make contact with a potential supervisor from among the YPCCS’s academic staff.


Click here for further information about the YPCCS and its activities.


Please send informal inquiries about the studentship to the director of the YPCCS, David Lambert, at [log in to unmask]


See here for general information on applying for postgraduate study at Warwick.


All candidates must apply on-line:


Please specify ‘PhD studentship in Caribbean Studies’ in the section of the form under the funding being sought.

Deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 13th June 2014. Interviews, if required, will take place in early July at the University of Warwick.

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Dr David Lambert
Reader of Caribbean History, Department of History, University of Warwick
Director of the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies
Twitter: @DrDRLambert
NEW BOOK: Mastering the Niger: James MacQueen’s African Geography and the Struggle over Atlantic Slavery (University of Chicago Press, 2013)