

This looks like a great opportunity for PhD students working on food, food
tourism,and entrepreneurship. See the brochure for full details.


Coventry University are part of an EU funded, multinational project called
TRADEIT looking at improving the competitiveness of the Traditional Food
As part of this project we are offering places to post graduate food
researchers at a series of Entrepreneurial Summer Academies. Each Academy
will run for three days at a European Institute and is designed to equip
attendees with skills and knowledge to help them commercialise their
research and engage with the business community.
The first Academy will take place at the Institute of Technology, Tralee in
Co Kerry from 15-18th June. It is aimed at early stage PhD researchers. In
the next two years there will be further academies in Italy and Germany,
each aimed at later stage researchers. There are a limited number of places
on the scheme and those selected will benefit from a travel bursary and
funded accommodation while at the Academy. There are thirty places on offer
across Europe and applications need to be submitted by 9th May."
The brochure and application can be downloaded here: