

Here is a reminder about the forthcoming BACS annual conference in Newcastle. The deadline for abstracts is fast approaching - 30th April.  

Please circulate widely.

Many thanks,


Dear all

As you know, this year's BACS (British Association for Chinese Studies) annual conference will be held in Newcastle on Wednesday 3 - Friday 5 September 2014. The Call for Papers is attached.

Please consider putting in a paper or panel proposal, and circulate the CFP widely to colleagues and postgrads.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is: 30th April 2014.

We look forward to seeing you in Newcastle.

With thanks and best wishes
Jo Smith Finley

Dr Joanne Smith Finley
Lecturer in Chinese Studies
Degree Prog Director, Chinese Studies /Japanese Studies
School of Modern Languages
Room 5.9, Old Library Building
Newcastle University NE1 7RU
Tel: 00-44-(0)191 222 7485
Email: [log in to unmask]

New Publication:


Dr Sarah Dauncey

British Academy Mid-Career Fellow & Lecturer in Chinese Studies
School of East Asian Studies
University of Sheffield

Honorary Secretary, British Association for Chinese Studies
Co-Editor, Journal of the British Association for Chinese Studies (JBACS)

Disability Studies at the University of Sheffield:
6-8 Shearwood Road
Sheffield, S10 2TD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)114 22 28436
Fax: +44 (0)114 22 28432