

Apologies for cross-posting and duplications. 
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the
following EVENT:
Causal mediation analysis in social and medical research
-Date: Monday 7th July
-Times: 9.30am – 5.00pm 
-Location: St Catherine’s College Oxford
Run by PATHWAYS, a node of the ESRC National Centre for Research
Methods (NCRM), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and LSE.
This meeting aims to introduce researchers to the current understanding
of methods for causal mediation analysis and to their applications in
various disciplines.
Target audience: Mediation analysis is applied on a wide scale by
psychologists, sociologists and epidemiologists. Recent developments in
the causal inference literature have enriched more traditional
approaches and provided greater generality and solutions for dealing
with complex confounding patterns. This meeting aims to bring some of
these developments and applications to the wider research community. 
Invited Speakers
Federica Russo (Universita’ degli Studi di Ferrara) 
David Mackinnon (University of Arizona)
Andrew Pickles (Institute of Psychiatry)
Luke Keele (Penn State University) 
Please register in order to attend. Space is limited. To avoid
disappointment, please register early. Reservations will be granted on a
first come, first serve basis. 

-Contact: [log in to unmask]
-Twitter: @pathwaysNCRM


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