From: Michael Grimes, Citizenship Foundation [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 24 February 2014 10:48
To: Patrick Ainley
Subject: Despite Gove's silence, citizenship education is meaningful to young people

19 February 2014
Citizenship education is meaningful for young people, despite Michael Gove's silence on the matter 

The government's new citizenship curriculum takes effect in September. You'd be forgiven for not knowing, though, because Michael Gove is keeping quiet about it.

One would think he might start claiming responsibility for the existing curriculum (in place since 2002), now that think-tank Demos has reported that today’s teenagers - 'Generation Citizen' - are 'more engaged with social issues than ever'.

In their introduction, report authors Jonathan Birdwell and Mona Bani say:

'Our research suggests that teenagers are more tolerant,
compassionate and likely to volunteer in their communities than previous generations.

'Yet, their conception of active
citizenship differs from previous generations, and the practice of traditional party politics may need to undergo substantial reforms to keep pace.'

The report says much more than that, of course. But it seems a key challenge is to teach citizenship for the benefit of society in a way that is relevant to young people in a rapidly changing world.

And it is a challenge, but an exciting one: and one that many schools are meeting head-on, despite the lack of supportive noises from those currently in power.
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Free guidance materials to support the revised National Curriculum, from the Association for Citizenship Teaching.
Download our free slides, Why Citizenship Education in Schools?, and we'll keep you up-to-date about how we can help you deliver great citizenship education.
This week, Citizenship Foundation CEO Andy Thornton told teachers in Lahore that citizenship is important because learning is for all aspects of life: to benefit not just careers but our communities, country and world.
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Mobility's recent Character and Resilience Manifesto overlooks education's societal benefit, in the same way Mr Gove does by his silence on the value of citizenship education.
Teachers and subject specialists take to Twitter at 8pm on Thursday 20 February to chat about citizenship and PSHE. Join us in the conversation or simply watch and pick up advice. Follow the hashtag #ukedchat.
The European-Atlantic Movement (TEAM) is running a study tour of Europe's institutions, including the European Parliament, European Commission, Council of Europe, NATO Headquarters, and BBC Brussels.
Citizenship Foundation
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