

I have a study with one group (25 participants),  3 experimental conditions, one baseline and 2 time periods for each condition (early and late). In this design, I also have periods where participants make ratings that correspond to each condition. I would like to contrast the three conditions to each other at early and late time points.

Here are my questions:
1. At the first-level of analysis, should I include the rating period as a condition or is that overfitting my model?
2. At the first-level of analysis, should I contrast the condition of interest to baseline (e.g., if I was interested in early time point in condition 1, I would contrast it to baseline early time point, use the contrast: 1 0  0 0  0 0 -1 0, for each condition, for each participant) and then, at the second level of analysis, run a factorial ANOVA? If there are main effects of condition or time from this analysis, could I proceed to do simple t-tests at the second level?

Thanks so much for your help!