

Dear Helmut,

current implementation of MFX analyses in SPM potentially requires a lot
of memory...

That said, even if 8GB is not spacious these days, I would have assumed
that your analysis with 10k scans would have run successfully (if
slowly). Make sure you don't have other software using too much memory
and that the RAM is not fragmented (ie do a fresh reboot beforehand).
You might also want to change the following defaults:

  defaults.mat.format     = '-v7.3';
  defaults.stats.maxmem   = 2^28;

Otherwise, as Torben wisely suggests, you could try using fewer sessions
per subject.

Best regards,

On 03/03/14 21:11, H. Nebl wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> recently I've been trying to run a mixed effects analysis with SPM12b. I successfully specified and estimated a single fixed-effects model based on 12 subjects with ~850 vol. each. Then I started the specification for the mixed-effects model. After about 2 h I got the following error message:
> Running 'MFX Specification'
> SPM12b: spm_mfx (v4552)                            18:32:54 - 24/02/2014
> ========================================================================
> Mixed-Effect Model                      :             ...ReML estimation
> Failed  'MFX Specification'
> Error using  .* 
> Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
> In file "C:\Progs\SPM12\spm12b\spm_trace.m" (v4805), function "spm_trace" at line 14.
> In file "C:\Progs\SPM12\spm12b\spm_reml.m" (v5223), function "spm_reml" at line 141.
> In file "C:\Progs\SPM12\spm12b\spm_mfx.m" (v4552), function "spm_mfx" at line 251.
> In file "C:\Progs\SPM12\spm12b\config\spm_cfg_mfx.m" (v5570), function "spm_local_mfx" at line 194.
> The following modules did not run:
> Failed: MFX Specification
> I have 8 GB RAM (Windows 7 64 Bit, Matlab R2013b - not sure how the information from MEMORY helps in my context, if you need some of those let me know). Does anyone have an idea? Vaguely guessing it seems to be related to the size of the SPM.mat file?
> Best,
> Helmut

Guillaume Flandin, PhD
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
University College London
12 Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG