

Priceless, Emma!

-----Original Message-----
From: Emma Duke-Williams [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: 28 March 2014 08:39
To: Plagiarism; David Mathew
Subject: Re: PLAGIARISM Digest - 26 Mar 2014 to 27 Mar 2014 (#2014-13)

On 28 March 2014 08:20, David Mathew <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Mike's message reminds me of a time when I was working at a different place from the one I work at now. I took a call from someone at an essay writing service who was absolutely furious that a student still hadn't paid for the essay, saying that they were going to take her to court. That student was double busted, in effect. Not only caught cheating (in pre-Turnitin days) but also facing a court case for her troubles.
> David

And, either not a very bright student (leaving in your contact details), or an essay writer with good detective skills!
(I've also heard, possibly on here, of a student applying to their Universities hardship fund, providing bank statements with payments to an essay service as part of their evidence ... )


Emma Duke-Williams
School of Computing, Buckingham Building, (BK1:28) University of Portsmouth,
PO1 3HE.
Tel: 023 9284 6441
Twitter: Emmadw

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