

Hi List,

I had a curious thing happen to me the other day that was very telling.
I have an old cellphone that I use. It's not networked. I rarely use  
it so I use a pay as you go plan.
I buy a thousand minutes for $100 dollars and it lasts a year.
On the day in question, I was returning from a chore and was running  
to get to a panel discussion.
I was one of the guest speakers. I had written down the address of  
the gallery on a piece of paper that I left on my desk at home.
I also forgot my cellphone. Since I am of a certain age I thought, I   
would simply go to a pay phone  and call information. Then I realized  
there are no more pay phones!
Then I thought, maybe I can ask someone on the street, if they would  
call for me, they all had cellphones and were walking down the street  
staring at them.  Then I thought, no that's too weird.
People wold take offense. Desperate, I thought well maybe if I ask  
someone to google the gallery. That was a good plan but It  
necessitated me engaging someone on the street. I thought, maybe  
there's an internet cafe or someplace I could log on for a moment.  
Finally I formulated a plan, I thought if I went to a bar/restaurant  
maybe someone would help me.  I walked into a bar walked to the back  
where there was a dining area and looked for a phone booth. A waiter  
came up to me and asked if he could help me. I asked if there was a  
pay phone. He said there's one in the back but it doesn't work!  I  
thanked him and was about to leave when he opened a drawer and pulled  
out a smart phone. He said you can use this.
I then coyly asked if it was a smart phone and if he would google the  
galleries name to get the address. He said ok and while he was  
searching he said he knows the gallery and its a couple of blocks  
down the street.
That particular experience illustrates how we interact and perceive  
the world. The human thing is to ask a person if they know where an  
address is. The early tech thing is to phone information and our  
current situation is to use GPS and Google.  In a very fundamental  
way this can become a basis for a performance.