

Hi Jette,
Thank you for your response to my introduction. 
Some examples are like ultrasound scans in pregnancy, induction and augmentation of labour, continuous CTG with rules to intervene as soon as late deceleration is found, ventouse delivery and so on. Women have scans at antenatal clinic every time she has appointment but still IUGR was missed or over diagnosed. In fact their scan results are inaccurate and unreliable. 
Nearly half the women are induced or augmented. The reasons for induction are such as 'preventing' birth before arrival to hospital, doctors holidays, suspected IUGR with inaccurate scan results and so on. 
Because of continuous CTG nearly 20% of women have ventouse delivery and a few babies get ruptured scalp with poor technique.  They are typical examples I have seen for the last two years in Japan but I have heard some other midwives talking about the same thing. I wonder if there have been some people who successfully changed the situation and I can copy that. At the moment I am trying to do is encouraging women to have home birth. I feel it's much safer.