Dear Colleagues,

Please consider filling in the Royal Historical Society Gender and Equality Survey (link below).

It takes 5 minutes if you just tick the boxes, 10-15 if you write in the free-text areas.

I trust that it is unnecessary for me to point out that the survey is intended for persons of either gender...

Dr Charlotte Sleigh
School of History
University of Kent
MSc Science, Communication and Society

Dear Colleague


I am pleased to invite you to complete this RHS survey on Gender and Equality in History in UK Higher Education. It is a short, online questionnare that is mostly tick-box and does not take long to complete.


We are seeking responses from men as well as from women; and from people at the beginning of their careers as well as more established people.  We need as many replies as possible so that we can produce an accurate, wide-ranging and credible report.  Ideally, it will provide the basis for a discussion of Gender and Equality at departmental meetings. 


The results will contribute to a report to be published by the RHS later this year.  There will be an event to discuss the findings, on the afternoon of Thursday 18 September 2014, in central London.  Further information about this will be posted on our website:


The context of this initiative is the charter mark for Gender and Equality in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences currently being drawn up by the Equality Challenge Unit, based on the methodology of the Athena SWAN Charter for Women in Science.  Their findings to date are that there are still significant gender inequalities in the humanities, even if the situation is in some respects better than in sciences.  The aim of our survey is to gather accurate information about the situation in History.  Please help us to do so by completing the survey and encouraging your colleagues to do so too. 


Many thanks.


With best wishes


Nicola Miller, Chair of Research Policy Committee, RHS

Jane Gerson, Research and Communications, RHS



Dr Jane Gerson
Research & Communications Officer
Royal Historical Society
University College London
Gower Street
T&F 020 7387 7532
Follow us on Twitter: @RoyalHistSoc