

Dear Colleagues

I'm looking for evidence of health promotion approaches for people with intellectual disabilities that go beyond focusing on health knowledge and individual health-promoting behaviour (eg diet, exercise, participation in health screening and monitoring) to look at wider social, cultural and economic issues. This sort of health promotion might look at social determinants of health, prevalence and reasons for health inequalities for people with intellectual disabilities, address self-advocacy and community organising around health and take a bit more of a critical look at health information.

I've come across one or two really interesting projects along these lines and would love to find others, maybe unpublished studies or grey literature?

Thanks for your help

All the best


Dr Deborah Chinn
NIHR Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8WA

Tel:  020 7848 3636
Room 1.26

Working days are Monday to Thursday