Dear All,


I have retired from teaching, so am not personally involved in this in any way.  This whole discussion has arisen out of a series of misunderstandings:


1.  This is not a post being advertised by Oxford University. This is  - presumably (I haven't asked him) - sabbatical cover for some of (and it is only 'some of') the duties of the German Fellow *in College* - in other words, half a job. Everyone in a permanent post at Oxford has two employers, so none of the tasks for the other employer (the University) such as examining or formal lecturing or Faculty administration are included. Nor would someone in a fulltime post expect to get away with only 8 hours a week. This is a light College load and the person appointed could take on some more hours for another college at the same time if they wished.

If you think of it as pay for half a job and that only helping with Admissions for one week outside of 3 x 8 weeks is required, then it would certainly enable a PhD student to write up their thesis, for instance, and is better than anything they will get from the AHRC.


2. Housing allowance is offered. Any prospective candidate should ask what this is. I don't know, as I am not a Fellow of Queen's, but it will certainly add a sizeable chunk to the salary and will not be taxable. Getting a hot meal twice a day is again not to be sneezed at. It means you meet other members of the College, rather than munching your overpriced sandwich in front of your computer. The other allowances will probably include at least a book allowance.


3. If you want to know what the allowances are before applying, why not ask?  You do all seem to be on email and maybe you even have access to a phone!


4. It would have been perfectly possible for the College to get these 8 hours a week by means of an hourly paid post. That would be mean and unscrupulous and so the College has created a proper Stipendiary Lecturership.


And where Jeremy's myth has come from about 'zero hours contracts' at Oxford is beyond me.


Schoenen Tag noch!




Professor Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, FBA
Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
47 Wellington Square
Oxford OX1 2JF
tel: +44 1865 270475

From: JISCmail German Studies List [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Jeremy Leaman [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 24 March 2014 14:03
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: riduculous payment - but hey, it's Oxford!

I agree with Bill Niven. It's a perfectly relevant issue. I had also heard that Oxford retains it's bought-in language staff on zero hours contracts; if true , we have even more to counter about.

Jeremy Leaman

Sent from my iPad

On 24 Mar 2014, at 12:05, "S STOLFA" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I agree! Thanks, Karin


From: Karin E. Yesilada <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, 24 March 2014, 11:47
Subject: Re: riduculous payment - but hey, it's Oxford!

Nun ja...
it somehow eases the pain to see that the others do care about that issue.

So, thanks a lot for all the commentaries so far,
from a best-wishing collegue in Germany,
who, while working the same amount as her "verbeamtete Kollegen"
with less payment ("Lehrbeauftragte")
does not allow herself the cost Mensa-Meals
and still wonders about the REchnung for her car-repair
which lists a "KFZ-Meister-Stundenlohn" of 80,00 Euro ...


Zitat von Nils Langer <[log in to unmask]>:

> Can I be the spoil-sport and express what most people on this list will
> have been thinking for a while:
> This is *not *a topic for our list, both as a general issue (pay
> conditions) and as regards discussing the practice of a(ny) particular
> university.
> yours,
> nils
> --
> Prof. Nils Langer
> Subject Lead (German Dept.)
> Professor of Germanic Linguistics
> School of Modern Languages
> 21 Woodland Road
> University of Bristol
> BS8 1TE
> Stor Britannien
> 0117 928 9841

Dr. Karin E. Yesilada
Postdoc / Lehrbeauftragte
Universität Paderborn | Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften | Institut 
für Germanistik und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft | Warburger 
Str. 100 | 33098 Paderborn | Zi: W1.210 | Tel.: + 49 (0)5251 60-5514
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