

Dear All

Have received the following enquiry, but not entirely certain as to best response - Short of saying 'yes, it's possible and yes it's probably imported but I've no idea as to where from.'
Any ideas gratefully acknowledged off list at [log in to unmask]

Please note that I've not been able to upload the image to the Geo-Curators jiscmail.

Apologies for cross posting

Thanks to all


***Begin forwarded message***

Whilst getting coal from my bunker yesterday I found two relatively large pieces of what at first I took to be molten plastic. 
On further inspection they appear to be chunks of amber. 
I've heard of amber being found in coal deposits in USA, Canada and New Zealend. Not at all sure where our coal originated but I imagine it is imported. 
I'm attaching a photo which I hope helps. 

***End of message***

Vicky Ward
Curatorial & Teaching Support Technician Department of Geology, Bennett Building University of Leicester, University Road, LEICESTER, LE1 7RH
0116 252 3369
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