

Hi there,

I'm trying to use probtrack2 to run tractography from a region in the
brainstem up to the cortex using a seed mask and 3 waypoints (with
exclusion across the midline).  Using the default settings, I seem to be
getting inclusion of cingulum and a lot of spurious wisps. I've been trying
to figure out the optimal settings for this analysis but I was hoping you
might be able to suggest some things to help.  Is there an optimal
curvature threshold for a path that essentially goes from motor cortex into
the brainstem (almost a straight line)?  I tried using the waypoints
specified in their order but this didn't seem to help.  I have also tried
using -thrP in fslmaths to threshold, but this still doesn't seem to get
rid of the small random wisps (and ends up cutting into the tract before
those go).  This is very high resolution data (1.25mm^3 voxel size) so I'm
hoping to get a crisp result in the end.

I really appreciate your help!
Best regards,