


I'd just like to alert people to a new digital classics resource I've been
working on during the evenings and weekends these past three weeks and
three days.[1]

It's about the creation of "crowd sourced" / "social" commentaries on
ancient texts. I hate both of those terms in scare quotes but I can't think
of better ones. Being literal-minded with the domain name, "*a network on
commentaries*"? What's not to like? Click the link and find out!

The site uses CTS TEI XML from the Perseus project's 'canonical' git hub
repository. Because of this the number of texts - especially Greek ones -
is severely limited at the moment but I hope to get more as the texts
improve in the Perseus repository and I learn more about the TEI format and
better ways to parse the data out it. Because of this, I've got a some
"suggested texts" linked from the home page, but you can list and view all
the available texts (some that say they are available aren't in a great
state though, so please be aware of that limitation! I'm a Livy scholar and
there's next to no Livy in it!).

Technically the site uses Python 3.3, Django 1.6.2, Tastypie, lxml, html5,
Twitter's Bootstrap CSS and Jquery to do it's stuff. It works OK on a phone
or a tablet.  The texts are actually parsed out of the XML on the disk: the
database is only used to store the list of the valid texts, some meta data
about them, and any commentary items you create.

It's all running on a 1yr-free Amazon Web Services (AWS) site, on two
instances, both "micro" in scale, a Linux EC2 instance and a Postgres RDS
instance. Because of this, please don't point your class of thirty students
at it - the servers won't like that much![2]

You have to register an account to view texts and commentaries (of which
there are grand total of two test items on Eusebius 1). After you register
send me an email and I will add the "make commentary" permission to your
account (on my to-do list: automate those permissions).

You can sign up with either Google or Twitter credentials (OAuth) or just
fill in the fields and put a good password in place. Please don't freak out
at the "insecure" warnings your browser might warn you about. I have to use
a "self-signed" certificate because at this point I'm not about to pay
$200+ per year for a signed certificate.[3]

Other than all these various caveats, I'm pretty happy with the way it's
turned out so far. Please let me know if you have any feedback or
suggestions.  If you want to be formal about it, there's an ability to file
support issues on its the github repository - ... which brings me to my
last point. All the source code is released with a GPL 2 licence.


[1]: thesis be damned. Sorry Janette!

[2]: I've got a plan to make it scale but I'm not going to implement it for
a while, because $$$.

[3]: SSL Certificate authorities are the very definition of *rentiers*.

*Scot Mcphee. *
*Computer programmer. Classics PhD.*
p +61 412 957414
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