

Dear colleagues,

The UK Plant Sciences Federation<> (UKPSF) is calling for working group members to help shape the future of UK plant science, following the release of its recent report<> on the status of UK plant science.

The report is the result of a consultation with the scientific community, providing a robust analysis of activities across the UK's plant science sector. It identifies strategic priorities and makes recommendations to build on existing strengths, fill critical gaps and guarantee success in meeting important 21st century challenges.

To follow-up from the report, the UKPSF is forming working groups to take forward specific priorities and ensure the report's recommendations are implemented. Working groups will focus on the following five key areas:

1.    Training and skills

2.    Translation

3.    Funding

4.    Regulation

5.    Portfolio balance
Each working group will be expected to develop an implementation plan with clearly defined actions for the plant science community, and associated time scales. Working groups will meet at least twice (in May and September/October 2014) and report at the UKPSF AGM in November 2014. Reasonable UK travel costs to attend meetings will be reimbursed.

We are seeking members of the UK plant science community who are interested in contributing to or chairing any of the groups. Further details are outlined in the attached call document.

To express an interest in taking part, individuals should send the following information to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by 22nd April 2014:

*         Name

*         Position

*         Organisation

*         Which group(s) they are applying to join

*         An outline (in three to six sentences) of why they are applying to join the group and what they hope to bring.

I would be extremely grateful if you would please circulate these details to colleagues and encourage anybody interested to get in touch.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Dr Mimi Tanimoto MSB
UK Plant Sciences Federation Executive Officer
020 7685 2567
07739 754485<>
Society of Biology | Charles Darwin House | 12 Roger Street | London | WC1N 2JU

The UK Plant Sciences Federation<> is a special interest group of the Society of Biology<> operating with financial support from the Society for Experimental Biology and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.<>

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