

Dear All,

As mentioned last week, Janet will stop supporting SeeVogh/EVO in August and therefore we need to migrate over to another tool for our operations meetings. Within our community Vidyo is already widely used, so many of you will already be familiar with it. For anyone not in this category, or anyone who wants to try different audio setups or test the new clients, I have created a test meeting in Indico with an associated Vidyo room which will be available for the next two weeks. If you do not have a CERN ID then you can join as a guest (please identify yourself with your name so that we know who is present!).

The test agenda can be found at: To join the meeting you can use the info and links under “Video services”.

A direct auto-join link to the Vidyo room is:

Once you are satisfied that you can join the meeting you’ll want to have someone else join at the same time to get some feedback on your audio/video setup. I’m sure many who already use the system will be happy to help out on request, but if you are struggling, David Crooks has kindly offered to be an endpoint for testing (thanks David).

In general services like Vidyo work _much_ better if _everyone_ uses a headset or joins from a well configured room - this is because the echo cancellation and gain effects can otherwise become distracting. 

The default client view only shows video that is being broadcast (which is rare in ops meeting), so you may want to immediately click on the two left most icons in the menu bar - that appears when your mouse pointer moves inside the client window - to reveal the participants list and the chat box.

Documentation and client install links are available from You may want to check the desktop client manual too I have not yet figured out if the chat box can be reconfigured into a more natural landscape (rather than portrait) configuration but if it can please let me know!

many thanks,