

Hi Jeremy,

> Another reason was not everyone got on well with Vidyo when it was first used.

the previous client lacked a lot of features. A list of my grievances 
tat have been solved now

1) No chat
2) No possibility to start the client and find your meeting room without 
passing through an indico page
3) No possibility to switch from one meeting to another in an easy way
4) Had to authenticate at every meeting
5) No easily accessible list of participants

Now the client starts and and stays always on (infact it works pretty 
much like skype) I have my list of favourite rooms there I just have to 
click to join without authenticating, I can get out one meeting and in 
another meeting easily without looking for indico, if it is not in my 
predefined list the search box works quite quickly both to find people 
and meetings.

I haven't had the audio problems people had so far and I know the linux 
client is as usual lagging behind and I don't use VPN so we might have 
to wait really few weeks but I consider this client a vast improvement. :-)


On 20/02/2014 11:22, Jeremy Coles wrote:
> Dear All,
> For various reasons we have stayed with EVO/SeeVogh for some GridPP operations related meetings. One of the main reasons was the lack of integrated chat in Vidyo. Another reason was not everyone got on well with Vidyo when it was first used.
> Much of the community is now using Vidyo or an alternative to EVO/SeeVogh, and with the recent Vidyo client updates chat is now integrated so we can switch. On top of this it appears that Janet support for Seevogh will stop at the end of August 2014 - so we have to migrate soon.
> Please could you let me know if you will have a problem if we switch our GridPP ops meetings from EVO/SeeVogh to Vidyo in the coming weeks? Please also let me know if you are aware of any other meetings in HEP that still rely on EVO/SeeVogh.
> Many thanks,
> Jeremy