Hi Oihane,
I do not understand the difference in terms of procedures when comparing your first and second sentence. However, as you probably know you can reorient a volume (e.g., your T1), using the graphic panel available in SPM (x-y-z for translating and roll pitch and yaw for rotating) and then you can apply the same transformation to all images you want by clicking on "reorient images" button available within that panel and selecting both your structural and functional time series.
You will obtain good results as long as your subject remains in the same position in all the sequences, otherwise you will not.


2014-02-14 17:50 GMT+01:00 Oihane Rilo Cano <[log in to unmask]>:
Hello SPM experts,

I´m a begginer with SPM software and I have a problem with functional images reorientation. When I try to
place the AC-PC line and correct
the brain orientation by the roll pitch and yaw parameters on a functional image taking as reference a structural image of the same subject which  coordinates and parameters were previously and correctly selected and reoriented, the functional image is not reoriented.

However if I establish that  AC-PC line and  I correct the orientation on the structural image and reoriented both images (structural and functional) at the same time, both are reoriented.

How can
I get the same reorientation that I did in the structural image on the functional image or retrieve previously entered parameters?

Thank you in andvance, I look forward to your response


Oihane Rilo Cano
Dpto. de Fundamentos y Métodos de la Psicología
Facultad de Psicología y Educación
Universidad de Deusto

Avda. de las Universidades, 24.
48007 Bilbao

Teléfono: 944139000 Ext. 3237.