

Hi SPMrs, 
I am trying to run the attached script with SPM8 (5236) . It worked before without issues, but I have added parametric modulators to the multiple conditions .mat files (attached an example) and the following error pops up: 
Running job #2
Running 'Expand image frames'
Done    'Expand image frames'
Running 'Expand image frames'
Done    'Expand image frames'
Running 'Make Directory'
Done    'Make Directory'
Running 'fMRI model specification'
Failed  'fMRI model specification'
Error using spm_run_fmri_spec (line 126)
Cannot load Users/vickyvillalta/Desktop/LOGS/Redcap_Download_TempDir_2014_1_22/108966/cap1pmod.mat
In file "/Users/vickyvillalta/spm8/config/spm_run_fmri_spec.m" (v4185), function "spm_run_fmri_spec" at line 126.

No executable modules, but still unresolved dependencies or incomplete module inputs.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: fMRI model specification
Skipped: Model estimation
Skipped: Contrast Manager
Skipped: Results Report

>> [v r] = spm('ver')

v =


r =


Any help would be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!