

I would like to draw your attention to the Cities on Volcanoes Conference (CoV8), which is scheduled to take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 9th to 13th September 2014.

Several sessions and workshops will focus on disaster risk reduction, emergency management and risk communication. Although the conference will predominantly have a volcano focus, the aforementioned sessions should be of interest to emergency management practitioners and researchers, in general. There will also be sessions and a workshop on disaster management within the tourism sector.

More information can be found at:

Or contact the session and workshop convenors directly.

Dr Deanne Bird
Research Fellow

Risk Frontiers - Natural Hazards Research Centre | Macquarie University | Sydney 2109 Australia 
Postal address: Suite 633, 1 Queens Rd, Melbourne 3004 Australia
Phone: +61 434 498 910 | Fax: +61 29850 9394 | Email: [log in to unmask]
Twitter: @DeanneKBird