

CMPCP/IMR Performance Research Seminars are sponsored by the AHRC Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice and the Institute of Musical Research. For further information see

The practice of creative performance

Karen Wise, Mirjam James and John Rink (University of Cambridge)

10 February 2014
17.00 - 18.30
Room G37, Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1

This presentation will interrogate the results from a recent study in which advanced student performers kept practice diaries, completed questionnaires and made video footage of themselves practising; they were then asked to select 'creative episodes' from their footage to discuss in a research interview. Select case examples reveal a range of strategies and approaches to developing a sense of ownership in one's interpretation of a piece. We identify processes of exploration, problem identification/solving, evaluation and revision that serve to clarify expressive intentions and build a conceptual representation of the 'essence' of a piece which unites technical, expressive, musical, emotional and metacognitive elements. We argue that approaches to documenting and conceptualising practice, which have traditionally separated musical, expressive and technical aspects, have not allowed creative processes to be fully revealed. Based on our observational data we argue furthermore that creative elements are not simply an 'add on' after technical mastery is achieved; rather, the integration of multiple elements is in itself a creative process. We therefore encourage a broader concept of 'practice' that goes beyond time spent in physical engagement with one's instrument. The presentation is not intended to provide practical advice, but the case studies do raise questions for reflecting practice and guiding future research.

Karen Wise was Research Associate in the AHRC Centre for Music Performance as Creative Practice, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge. Her PhD in Psychology (Keele) examined the musical skills, cognitive profiles and self-perceptions of adults self-identifying as 'tone deaf'. She is also a classical mezzo-soprano and singing teacher.

Mirjam James was Research Associate at the AHRC Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice (CMPCP) at the University of Cambridge. She holds a MA in Musicology, Psychology and Politics (TU Berlin) and a MSc in Music Psychology (Keele University). Her PhD, on audio-visual perception, was awarded by TU Berlin and her research interest includes group communication, practice, performance and audiences.

John Rink is Director of CMPCP, Professor of Musical Performance Studies at the University of Cambridge, and Fellow and Director of Studies in Music at St John's College. He specialises in Chopin studies, analysis and performance, and digital applications. Many of his books and other publications focus on performance and related issues.

Dr David Mawson

CMPCP Co-ordinator

Faculty of Music

University of Cambridge

11 West Road

Cambridge CB3 9DP

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