

Dear all,

I am very pleased to announce that registration for the 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems is now open. Please see<> for full details - registration information (including the accompanying persons' programme) is available at<>.

PMAPS is the leading specialist conference in the area, which is of increasing importance due to key applications such as renewables integration, risk-based asset management, and wider use of risk- and cost-based based decision making. It will provide a forum for exchange of ideas between researchers from industry and academia, and between the power systems community and other related communities such as mathematical sciences.

The technical programme will consist of

-        Mon 7 July (AM). Parallel tutorials: Phil Taylor (Newcastle University) on smartgrid deployment, George Anders (Lodz University) on asset management, and Sean Meyn (U Florida) on control of stochastic systems.

-        Mon 7 July (PM). Opening plenary: Mark O'Malley (University College Dublin) on renewables integration, followed by an all-industry panel discussion on the need for probabilistic modelling.

-        Tue 8 July and Wed 9 July: Parallel contributed paper sessions.

-        Thu 10 July (AM): Final contributed paper session and closing plenary.
The welcome reception will be on the Monday evening in Durham Castle, and the conference banquet on the Wednesday evening at Grey College. All technical sessions, plus the Monday morning tutorials, are included in the registration fee.

Key dates are:

-        1 May: End of earlybird registration rate

-        1 April: A block of rooms at Durham's Marriott Hotel has been reserved at a special conference rate (£94 B+B single occupancy, £104 double) up until this date. After this date it will still be possible to request rooms through the website, but we cannot guarantee that the special conference rate will be available.
As well as the Marriott rooms, we also offer very reasonably priced accommodation (£46 per night B+B) at Durham University's Collingwood College. For PMAPS authors, if you submit your final PDFs by 20 March we guarantee to make the final acceptance decision in time for you to reserve accommodation by 1 April - initial decision emails will be sent out this week.

I hope to see many of you in Durham in July,
Best regards,
Chris Dent


Dr. Chris Dent,
Lecturer in Energy Systems Modelling,
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences,
Durham University,
South Road,
Durham DH1 3LE. U.K.

Tel: +44 (0) 191 33 42451
Personal website:
Durham Energy Institute Impact Fellow:
Engineering Mentor and SCR Steward at University College:
International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 7-10 July 2014: