

On 1 Feb 2014, at 15:58, Sam Hartman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I've made openssh for amd64 available.
An amusing build issue failed to get it installed.

Cool, got it, one step closer.

Next issue…

So, to explain, I have two VMs that both think they’re One is CentOS 6, one is Deb 7. Obviously I only turn one on at a time :-).

CentOS 6 is working. Debian is now still not working, because my FR server is sending back an access-reject.

Comparing FR logs for the two requests (working centos vs not working debian), the main thing that jumps out is that the CentOS box is sending an access request with user-name of “”, a GSS-Acceptor-Service-Name of “host”, and a GSS-Acceptor-Host-Name of “”. The Debian box, however, is sending just a user-name of “”, i.e. no GSS-Acceptor-Name of GSS-Acceptor-Host-Name. That ultimately leads to a chbind failure, resulting in access-request.

Any ideas why would my deb 7 box not be sticking the GSS attributes into the request correctly?

Dr Rhys Smith
Identity, Access, and Middleware Specialist
Cardiff University & Janet - the UK's research and education network

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