

Dear Colleagues,

(Apologies for cross-posting)

It is our pleasure to announce the 4th Workshop on High Dimensional Quantum Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities -HDQD 2014.

The workshop will take place in Mittelwihr, a village in the middle of the vineyards between Colmar and Strasbourg,
in Alsace, France, from September 2 to September 6, 2014.

This workshop is one of a series of workshops which were held in Birmingham (2012), Montpellier (2008), and Leiden (2005)
and aims at gathering scientists working in the developments and the implementation of new methods in quantum dynamics.

The 4th High Dimensional Quantum Dynamics workshop will cover the following topics:

- Quantum dynamics of atoms, nuclei in molecules, and electrons
- Accurate semi-classical methods
- Hamiltonian related issues (Kinetic energy operators and potential energy surfaces)
- Applications to spectroscopies, reaction dynamics and quantum control
- Interactions with complex environments, surfaces, dissipative processes
- Coding

Confirmed speakers are:
    Ofir Alon, University of Haifa - Israel
    Stuart Althorpe, University of Cambridge - UK
    Lorenz Cederbaum, University of Heidelberg - Germany
    Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, CSIC - Spain
    Terry Frankcombe, Australian National University - Canberra, Australia
    Oliver Kühn, University of Rostock - Germany
    David Lauvergnat, University of Paris Sud - France
    Christoph Meier, University of Toulouse - France
    Hans-Dieter Meyer, University of Heidelberg - Germany
    Martin Quack, ETH Zurich - Suisse
    Fabrizio Santoro, University of Pisa - Italy
    Armin Scrinzi, University of Munich - Germany
    Agnes Vibok, University of Debrecen - Hungary
    Graham Worth, University of Birmingham - UK
    Donghui Zhang, Dalian Institute of Physical Chemistry and Chinese Academy of Science - China

The workshop will take place in the Centre International de Sejour de Mittelwihr.
All attendees will be hosted there so that fruitful discussions can
be carried out all along the days.

The registration fee (approximately 500 EUR, reduced to 330 EUR for PhD students) includes the accommodation:
full board and lodging from Tuesday Sep. 2 evening (including dinner) up to Saturday Sep. 6 morning (including breakfast),
refreshments and coffee breaks; book of abstract.
[Four nights in total. Note that the student price is for sharing a room with one other student]

Important dates:
Registration will open on March 1 and close on June 30.
Abstract deadline for oral contributions and posters: 31th of May.

The number of participants is limited to 80, so we invite you to
register as soon as possible after March 1. To register, follow the
instructions given on the web site (see below).
Oral contributions will be selected from submitted abstracts. 

For further details, please check the workshop website

which contains a template for the abstract, travel information, etc.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Mittelwihr in September 2014.

With our best regards,

Roberto Marquardt and Etienne Gindensperger
Organizers from the University of Strasbourg

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