

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to our MeCCSA Postgraduate Network 2014 Regional Events and MeCCSA PGN Annual Conference.

Challenges and Changes in Academic Publishing, 5th March, University of Sussex, in collaboration with the Public Culture Hub.
Speakers include: Prof. Gary Hall, Fern Riddell, Felicity Plester, David Berry and Catherine Grant.
More details:
Challenges and Changes: Women in Journalism and Media, 12th March, Liverpool John Moores University.
Speakers include: Prof. Karen Ross, Prof. Suzanne Franks, Prof. Deborah Chambers, Deirdre O’Neill, Rhianne Jones, Vicky Canning, Helen Monk and Haifa Takruri-Rizk.
More details:
Out of Sight: Constructing, Experiencing, Changing Peripheries, 20th March, Goldsmiths, University of London, in collaboration with the Radical Media Forum.
Speakers include: Nirmal Puwar, Aimee Joyce, Ashwani Sharma and Marianne Franklin.
More details:
Challenges and Changes in Public Engagement, 6th June, University of Nottingham.
Speakers include: Prof. Philip Cowley and more speakers tbc.
MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Annual Conference 2014, 23rd – 24th June, Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds, sponsored by the Higher Education Academy.
Speakers include: Prof. Lilie Chouliaraki, David Hesmondhalgh, Anamik Saha and Katy Parry.
Our Call for Papers is open until 01.03.14, more details:

Please follow us on Twitter (@MeCCSAPGN) and join our Facebook group ( for more details about the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network activities. If you have any questions about our regional events, conference or network, please email Rachel ([log in to unmask]).

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Rachel, Charlotte, Emma, Sam and Irene
MeCCSA PGN 2013/2014 Committee