

italian-studies: Scholarly discussions in any field of Italian studies

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to present the call for papers for the fourth workshop in this

Call for Papers

Arts and Humanities Research Council Network

*La Mamma: Interrogating a National Stereotype*

Workshop organisers: Dr Penelope Morris (University of Glasgow) and Prof.
Perry Willson (University of Dundee)

*Workshop Four: The Stereotype Abroad: Mammismo in the Italian Diaspora*

Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, 16-17 May 2014

This workshop will explore the influence of *mammismo* and the experience
and representations of maternity in the Italian diaspora.

We welcome paper proposals relating to Italian diaspora communities in any
part of the world and from all pertinent humanities or social science
disciplines (including history, gender studies, Italian studies, art
history, sociology, literary studies, psychology, anthropology and film
studies). All papers will be short to ensure plenty of time for discussion.

The workshop will be followed by a public event focusing on the experience
and representations of motherhood in the Italian-Scottish community.

Workshop speakers will include: Maddalena Tirabassi, Francesco Ricatti,
Susanna Garroni, Mary Wood.

Also present, as part of the core advisory group: Lesley Caldwell, Kate
Mitchell, Penny Morris and Perry Willson

A limited number of additional places are available for those who would
like to present a short paper (15 minutes) at this workshop.

Some further places are available for persons wishing to attend the
workshop and participate in the debate but without presenting a paper.

There is no fee for the workshop but numbers are limited. Those wishing to
present a paper should send an abstract and the title of the paper plus a
short c.v. to: *Emily Ryder*, La Mamma Project Administrator (
[log in to unmask]) by *27 March 2014*.

Those whose papers are not accepted (numbers are limited) may be accepted
to attend the workshop without presenting.

If you wish to attend only to participate in the debate, but prefer not to
present a paper, please send a short c.v. to Emily Ryder, La Mamma Project
Administrator ([log in to unmask]) by 27 March 2014.

A bursary is available to fund the travel and subsistence expenses (up to a
maximum of £250) for one postgraduate student. The student must be enrolled
in a UK university. If you wish to apply for the bursary please contact
Emily Ryder.

Emily Ryder
La Mamma Project Administrator
University of Glasgow

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