

Deviate! The Second International Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media Conference
4 – 6 September 2014, University College Cork.

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible” – Frank Zappa

Deviation—whether from the norm, the accepted, the anticipated or the prescribed—has always been a core element in advancing methods of production, distribution and exhibition, and shaping storytelling, characterisation, and, indeed, contemporary spectatorship within cinema, television and screen media. The fundamental role that deviation plays in these media can also be markedly evident in relation to aesthetics and the construction of texts, through diegesis, cinematography, sound design and representation.

Deviate! The Second International Alphaville Conference aims to interrogate the centrality of deviation in its myriad forms to cinema, television and screen media, thereby establishing under this inclusive framework a dynamic and productive exchange between scholars, practitioners and postgraduate students.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Rebellion on- and off-screen (Directors, Stars, Characters)
The Innovator (Practitioners, Producers)
The Outsider
Deviation in Adaptation (Deviation from sources)
Deviation in Genre/Form
The Role of Film/Screen Media in Defining Deviance
Liminal Characters/Spaces
Abject Spaces/Languages
Remakes and discrepancies
Style as deviation
Avant-garde and deviation
Counter cinema and difference
Theory and deviation
Nonmainstream, nonconformist, nonaligned
New Departures in Production/Funding/Distribution/Exhibition

Abstracts of 250-350 words and a short biographical note should be sent to [log in to unmask]. Pre-formed panels (of 3 or 4 people) will also be considered. Panel proposals should be sent in the same format as paper proposals, in addition to a 100-word thematic synopsis of the panel. The deadline for all abstract submissions is 11 April 2014. Papers should be 20 minutes in duration.

Film and Screen Media at University College Cork:
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