12th Annual Conference

ESPAnet 2014 Oslo

«Beyond the Crisis in Europe

New Opportunities for reconciling sustainability.

Equality and economic robustnss»

4-6 September, 2014

Organisers: NOVA & the Oslo and Akershus University Colleges of Applied Sciences, Norway


Call for Abstracts (Deadline: 12 March 2014)

The organisers invite you to submit paper proposals for the conference. Paper proposals should be linked to one of the conference streams.

You will find the list of streams below and at the website www.nova.no/espanet2014oslo. At the webside you will also find descriptions of the streams and the contact details of stream coordinators.

Abstracts should be about 500 words and provide the following information:

  1. Title
  2. Proposed stream
  3. Contact details: author(s), affiliation, postal address, phone number and e-mail address
  4. Main issue to be raised, analysed or discussed in the paper, including a brief background (about 100 words)
  5. Approach (theoretical / conceptual or empirical) and type of methodology (qualitative / case study or quantitative) (about 200 words)
  6. Main thesis, or findings and conclusion expected from the analysis (about 200 words)

Send your abstract (as word or pdf attachment) to [log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]

Please do not send abstracts to stream coordinators.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 12 March 2014

Stream coordinators will rank all abstracts.

The organisers will inform successful applicants by 9 April 2014

Registration for the 11 ESPAnet conference starts 11 April 2014

The deadline for paper submission 4 August 2013

Streams (coordinators in brackets)

1. Diffusion of Ideas (Sowa / Zapfel)

2. Towards a European Social Policy? (Kerschen / Sweeney)

3. Globalization and Social Policy (Knijn / León)

4. On the Interrelationship of Environmental, Social, and Economic Sustainability (Fitzpatrick / Schaffrin)

5. Comparative Methodology- Reforms of Social Security Programs as Case (Kuitto / Scruggs)

6. Welfare Funding

            6a) Occupational Welfare in Europe (Pavolini / Natali)

            6b) The Welfare Funding Puzzle – New Financial Approaches? (Marska-Dzioba)

7. Investigating Consequences of Family Policy (Van Lancker / Ugreninov)

8. Gender, Employment and the Crisis (Kurz / Ostner)

9. Work and Welfare

            9a) Work and Welfare: The Role of Employers (van Berkel)

            9b) Work, Welfare and Disability (Aurich / Moreira)

10. Migration and Social Policy: Reconciling Diversity and Inclusive Social Welfare (Eger / Reeskens)

11. Generations and Intergenerational Relations (Herlofson / Hellevik)

12. Pension Reforms

            12a) After the Crisis: A New Era of Pension Reforms? (Hinrichs)

12b) Evaluation Criteria for European Pension System Reforms (Lagoutte / Reimat)

13. Health Care and Social Inequality (Becker / Stolberg)

14. Marketization of Welfare and Care (Frericks / Pfau-Effinger)

15. Poverty, Minimum Income Schemes and Active Inclusion (Clegg / Heidenreich)

16. The Role of the Middle Classes in Historical Welfare State Development (Hoogenboom / May)

17. Conceptualizing and Assessing Social Investment (Morel / Palme)

18. Welfare State and Social Well-Being (Kurowska / Michoń)

19. Social Citizenship, Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Studies (Leibetseder / Gubrium)

20. Institutional Design and Reforms – Consequences for Social Inequality (Bothfeld / Betzelt)

21. Nordic Welfare Societies in the 21st Century: Does it still make sense to talk about a “Nordic Model”? (Nordvik / Schøyen)

The overall theme for the ESPANET 2014 conference in Oslo, Norway, is the challenges of reconciling environmental sustainability, social welfare and economic robustness.

Until now, welfare researchers have tended to focus on relationships between economic effectiveness and social equality, and the possibilities for reconciling goals in these areas. Current analyses framed in terms of concepts as social investment and inclusive growth illustrate this focus. By contrast, research on interactions between environmental sustainability and welfare state sustainability has been rare.

Yet, with the most recent evidence presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there is reason to expect that the mitigation of climate change will increasingly come to dominate cross-sectorial policy agendas, including those dealing with social and economic policies. Similarly, research on contrasts - and possible interactions - between pursuing environmental and social welfare policy goals, are becoming more important.

Plenary talks and panels will deal with the conference theme in Oslo. We encourage paper proposals for streams related to different aspects of this theme. At the same time, we welcome paper proposals about the more established areas of social policy analysis - as is usually the case at our annual conferences.

About ESPAnet
The Network for European Social Policy Analysis is an association of academics involved or interested in the analysis of social policy in Europe: http://www.espanet.org/

Dr. Nadine Schoeneck-Voss
ESPAnet secretary

Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)
University of Bremen
FVG, Room W 2140
Wiener Strasse/Celsiusstrasse
Postfach 330 440
D-28334 Bremen/Germany

phone: 0049 (0)421-218-66412
e-mail: [log in to unmask]