

The Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, a thrice-yearly journal
based in Washington, DC and published by SAGE is currently seeking
submissions. The journal aims to provide an international platform for
publication of original research on policy and institutional issues facing
emerging global economies. It is indexed by EBSCO, RePEc, DeepDyve,
Dutch-KB, OCLC, Portico, and SWETS.

We are seeking submissions of no more than 13,000 words on the following
--inclusive growth
--infrastructure development
--long-term economic development in emerging market economies
--climate change and the environment
--regional development
--competition for natural resources

We accept submissions on a rolling basis; priority consideration for the
September 2013 issue will be given to articles submitted by March 19. For
more information, including submission guidelines, please see our

Alex Tate
Associate Editor
Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies