Heterodox Economics Newsletter

Issue 159 February 10, 2014 web pdf Heterodox Economics Directory

This issue of the newsletter is surely voluminous, not least because you will find a series of calls for papers related to next year's ASSA-meeting as issued by different heterodox associations. Take a close look at these especially if you have never visited an ASSA-meeting. These meetings are really interesting and a worthwile experience, although you have to bear "a lot of dudes in suits" as I heard a by-standing tourist at the ASSA meeting 2013 in San Diego perceptively commenting.

Additionally, I want to point you to the inspiring reading list on heterodox microeconomics compiled by Fred Lee, Tae-Hee Jo, Nina Shapiro and Zdravka Todorova. I aim to include more such material in the Newsletter - so if you have suitable reading lists somewhere on the web and are ready to share those please send me a short notice. Since I think that such reading lists provide a significant contribution to the public domain of heterodox economic resources I also plan to include them in the Heterodox Economics Directory. In this context it does not matter whether a reading list focuses on a specific topic (e.g. labor economics) or a certain tradition in economic thought (e.g. institutional economics) - I am just happy about any suggestions.

In a similar vein, I would like to include a selection of heterodox or critical textbooks within the Directory, which is why I urge you to send suggestions regarding which textbooks to include. While I could, alternatively, do some research on my own (and thereby make use of already existing resources like the great collection of inspiring textbooks or URPE's webpage), I have the feeling that an old-fashioned "call for suggestions" is suitable to assure openness and incorporate some notion of peer-review in the process of selecting textbooks.

All the Best!


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