Dear all,

(With apologies for cross-posting.)

Are you currently an active user of Tableau and work in UK Higher Education?  If so, you are warmly invited to attend the Inaugural HE Tableau User Group Meeting which will be hosted by the University of York on Wednesday, 12 March, 2014.

The day will feature:

1.  A "show and tell" session from 4 universities (Birkbeck, Birmingham, Oxford and York) on how they use Tableau.
2.  A demonstration from The Information Lab on the use of Alteryx and the heidi API adaptor to power Tableau visualisations.
3.  An opportunity to meet other HE Tableau users.

If you wish to attend, please signup via

Please note that spaces are limited due to the size of the venue.

Best wishes,

Bill Mackintosh
Business Intelligence Unit
Registrar's and Planning Office
University of York

Tel: +44 (0)1904 324276